Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The pros and cons of having a relationship at university ? Spark ...

By Shelley McGrath

When asked to write this article I thought it could go either two ways; it could turn into a soppy ?diary-entry style? moan at men or come across as extremely needy and have you wanting me to get a grip. I accepted the challenge as I have knowledge on this subject matter; it?s fair to say not all successful experiences, but experiences none-the-less.

There are cons of being in a relationship in general, but coming to uni does add that extra strain and pressure. I think when it comes to leaving your other half at home, paranoia is probably the main issue that causes arguments. Having done the long distance thing with a past-boyfriend when he went to uni I know of this strain. Things were pretty laid back, but there are those girls (not me I?d like to point out) who will constantly stalk their partner?s social network pages for dodgy photos from the night before. It was just unfortunate timing that in my case it just popped up on my news feed when I got in from college. Of course, there are those getting into relationships at uni, which kind of rules out the paranoia thing. A con I think in this situation is if you?re in the same friendship group, especially if you all live in the same halls. It can be great when you all get along, but not so great when there?s an argument; relationships within friendship groups can cause a divide!

Now that the bad stuff is out of the way, I can now move onto the things that aren?t so depressing, after all relationships aren?t all doom and gloom, if you pick a good?un of course. Nine times out of ten if you?re doing the long distance thing, you get a rather nice supply of flowers, chocolates, cards etc. Also when you meet up it?s that bit more special, after all living in each other?s pockets is extremely unhealthy. Obviously, this can be hard to avoid if you both are at uni together, so my advice would be to make time for your friends as well as each other, then all should be fine.

Not one of my friends at uni is with the same person they were with at the start of first year, but that?s not to say they don?t work. No relationship is plain sailing; they?re something you need to work at and they can be tough sometimes. University is a place that changes your life and is ever changing. So much can happen in the space of three years, you?ll wonder where the time went. The strongest of relationships can fall through at any time; all you can do is try and make it work, and if it?s meant to be, it will happen.

Source: http://www.sparksunderland.com/featured/2012/10/the-pros-and-cons-of-having-a-relationship-at-university/

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